The Team
Policy Group
In 2018, the mayors, city managers, and chiefs of police in the Tri-Cities launched the Tri-Cities Homelessness Policy Group, a collaborative effort between regional leaders to craft a response to homelessness. Working in partnership with service providers and other regional leaders, the Tri-Cities Policy Group created an Action Plan to address homelessness, which provides a framework to guide the region’s response.
Voting Members
Tara Beiter Fluhr
Sheridan Mayor, Chair of Tri-Cities Homelessness Policy Group
Gretchen Ryden
Littleton Mayor Pro-Tem, Vice Chair
Joe Anderson
Englewood City Council
Devin Granbery
Sheridan City Manager
Jim Becklenberg
Littleton City Manager
Shawn Lewis
Englewood City Manager
General Members
Carrie Warren-Gully
Arapahoe County Commissioner
Samma Fox
Littleton Assistant City Manager
Tim Dodd
Englewood Deputy City Manager
Doug Stephens
Littleton Chief of Police
J Martinez
Sheridan Chief of Police
Sam Watson
Englewood Chief of Police
Kathy Smith
Arapahoe County Community Resources Director
Linda Olson
South Metro Community Foundation
Lindsey Gorzalski-Hocking
Innovative Housing Concepts Executive Director
Corey Reitz
South Metro Housing Options Executive Director
Tamara Niles
Englewood City Attorney
Reid Betzing
Littleton City Attorney
Jamie Rife
Metro Denver Homeless Initiative Executive Director
Lived Experience Advisory Board
The Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB) is made up of individuals who have experienced homelessness in the Tri-Cities region. This group meets quarterly to provide input and recommendations to the Tri-Cities Homelessness Initiative through the lens of lived expertise.
LEAB Members and Organizational Affiliation
Steve Imhoff
AllHealth Network
Terry Johnson
Joya Wonderlight
Break Bread
Toi Alegria
Carissa Pinckert
Change the Trend
In 2017, the service provider community in the Tri-Cities joined together to create the Change the Trend Network, a consortium of agencies, individuals, and others who meet weekly to build a collaborative approach to responding to homelessness.