In Their Words
Kenneth Davison, 64
I was on the streets for 20 years before Movement 5280 helped me get an apartment.
Kelly Utter
I’m a personal navigator at Movement 5280. We’re here to walk alongside people in need.
Josh Casias, 39
I went to Littleton High School. I have family scattered all over Denver. I developed a drug problem after my dad left.
Julie Hall
I’m the program manager at GraceFull Foundation, which is a small nonprofit that coexists with GraceFull Café in Littleton. Guests can pay what they can afford for a meal, even if that’s nothing.
Brad Grein, 50
I worked as a CNC machinist for most of my life. Along the way I struggled with depression and addiction. It started mostly with alcohol, but once I was on the street, meth became like a cup of coffee in the morning to me.
Terry Johnson, 48
I grew up in California, but I came out to Colorado to get away from some bad people in my life. I moved here with my daughter and her mother.